
Fallen real estate posters become public sculptures. Motto text “Pay with all your […]” and then a list of various currency symbols. Laser print copy.


$ ¢ £ € ¥ ₹ ₽ 元 ¤ ₠ ₡ ₢ ₣ ₤ ₥ ₦ ₧ ₨ ₩ ₪ ₫ € ₭ ₮ ₯ ₰ ₱ ₲ ₳ ₴ ₵ ₶ ₸ ₺ ₼ ৲ ৳ ૱ ௹ ฿ ៛ ㍐ 円 圆 圎 圓 圜 원 ﷼ $ ¢ £ ¥ ₩

Fallen real estate posters become public sculptures.

many thin pieces of wood lie on top of each other.
many thin pieces of wood lie on top of each other.
two twisted sausage shapes.
a nodular structure.
many thin pieces of wood lie on top of each other.
many thin pieces of wood lie on top of each other.
many thin pieces of wood lie on top of each other.
many thin pieces of wood lie on top of each other.
one person flies down.

Some person is giving a lecture in a dismorphed room. Laser print copy.

Some person is giving a lecture
in a dismorphed room.